66 Realm of Wizardry: Batman Begins

Realm of Wizardry

My place to rant and rave and just let the contents of my mind flow forth.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Batman Begins


Raj and I went to see Batman Begins tonight. It was amazing. Finally a Batman movie that truely does justice to the Dark Knight. Christian Bale is the best Batman yet. The rest of the cast also did a brilliant job. Michael Cain is a great Alfred.
As the title suggests, this is an origin story of the Batman. The route through which Bruce Wayne took to becoming the Batman was very beleivable and done very well. Throughout the story is done very well. I don't think there is a bit about the movie that I didn't like.
I want a Batmobile!!! This is an incredible piece of machinery!

All told, go see this movie. Then lets take all the rest of the Batman movies and throw them in the rubbish. Especially the Joel Shaumaker (I know its not spelt right) versions of Batman. Complete rubbish!
|| Stephen, 6/18/2005 12:21:00 AM


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