I found a really interesting comic journal today. Basically this guy documented a period of his life through comics. It's probably not the best thing that I should be reading right now considering I am trying to shake this depressed funk I have been in lately, but the thing is I can really identify with this guy and in a way it is helping in that it shows me that I am not the only one out there that has had life shit on him. Not that I like to see people have shit times, but just knowing that the things I am feeling are somewhat normal.
I know that it is over between me and the ex (I think that is the first I have refered to her as that), but sometimes as I am lying awake trying to get at least a few hours of sleep before I have to drag my ass to work I wonder what she is thinking...does she miss me....or is it just me?
She would say that I had a negative outlook on life, that I always saw the bad and not so much of the good. I personally call it being realistic. I am beginning to wonder if maybe, just maybe she is right. But its hard to see the lighter side when life keeps getting up and kicking you in the nads.
So here we go, starting today, I am going to try see the lighter side of life, stop being so damn "realistic" and just enjoy. Hell, it can't get any worse can it?
Really though I do have a lovely daughter and a few great friends. I guess it could be a lot worse.
Well, 2 more days and I am on a vacation for a week. A very deserved vacation. Need a week to just decompress. I rented a cottage up near Campbellford for Sarah and I to enjoy. A week away from everything.
Anyways, enough of my rambling. If you are interested in the journal I mentioned at the beginning, here is the
Later, Dudes.