Found the back way up to Hwy 7 and into a little town called
It's one of these towns that only began its existence because there was a railway yard and station there.
However, a handy Tourist Information booth helps set the itinerary for the week.
Along with the information there is also a restored
Caboose there.
Since I am a bit of a rail nut, it was pretty cool and the little one liked it too.
Today we find
Lang Historic Pioneer Village.
They have a working
Grist Mill at the site on the
Indian River.
Very cool.
The village is quite good too.
Not as big as say Black Creek but cool none the less.
Little one likes it too, but WOW is it hot.
This humidity has got to break sometime.
They are predicting thunderstorms for tonight.
Hopefully, that will help with cutting the humidity.
Lightning bugs are extremely cool.
We discovered them tonight as we are sitting out the backyard enjoying ourselves before it gets dark.
I am sitting on the lounger reading some homework and Sarah is playing, when all of a sudden she starts going nuts because there are lights floating in the air.
Fortunately the girls next door have let Sarah play with their yard toys while she is up here.
One of the said toys is a bug net.
A couple of swipes later and bingo we have a captured lightning bug and a fascinated 4 year old.
"Get another one Daddy!!"