So Raj and I figured Friday night would be a good time to catch up on some movies that we had missed in the theatres. So off to Rogers Video we went to pick up "
Constantine" and "
Million Dollar Baby". We went into Rogers thinking it would be a quick in and out. Unfortunately, we were thwarted in that attempt. Turns out Rogers deletes your account with them if you do not use it in 6 months. I am not just talking about at the store level, I could understand the stores purging their databases. But at a corporate level they delete your account if you have no activity in a 6 month period. What a pain in the butt! Maybe I am picky but 6 months seems like an awefully short time considering how little information needs to be stored. Oh well, go figure. So our 2 second trip was stretched to 15 minutes. That may not seem long, but we were HUNGRY!!!!!
We got our dinner and sat down to watch the movies. I was quite happy with both of our choices. We figured since Million Dollar Baby would be the downer of the 2 flicks that we would start with that one. It is a great movie. The acting is supurb and the story is very good. I went in thinking this was a boxing movie, and albeit, boxing is the main story line, but it is more a story about life struggles and overcoming the seemingly impossible to acheive your dreams. Now since I don't want to ruin the main plot, I am not going to say more about it. Morgan Freeman, Clint Eastwood and Hilary Swank all give great preformances. I don't think I have seen a movie yet with Morgan Freeman in it where he does not do the voice over. Don't get me wrong that is not a complaint, he has a great voice for it, it just a comment.
Next was Constantine. I was not expecting a lot out of this movie. I had heard middling reviews for it. Fortunately I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed this movie very much. Now I have not read the comics so I didn't really have an expectation from that point of view. However,
Raj who has read the comics also seemed to enjoy it. I am sure if you go to his blog he will give a very well written review. So I am not even going to try. I will sum up by saying that the movie was very good, had some good effects (if you ignore the very bad effects used for Hell) and had exactly the type of acting to be expected out of Keanu Reeves.
Both good movies so rent them and enjoy.
Later all.