Fluid as it may be, I think I have found a layout for my blog here that I will keep for a while. There is still some tweaking to do, but I must say that I am quite happy with the results of this. There is a couple things that still need fixing. The title bar is just bloody blinding now. I have some ideas for that but I haven't quite figured out what I want that to look like yet. I think the link colour for a visited link is also in need of tweaking it doesn't quite fit.
The page is also set up with a liquid format (ed: I was corrected :). Which means that it will reformat itself as one changes the size of the browser window so that it will look realtively the same no matter who is looking at it. The only caveat to that is if you use a rediculously small browser window (ie less than 600 pixels wide). In that case you need to give the horizontal scorll bar a work out. :)
I also must give credit where credit is due. Thanks to
Raj for pointing out a cool way of setting up my page (and also for being straight up when the early versions looked crap!). The original template that I have changed came from this
site. The final product (as final as anything is around here) looks quite different than the original, but the basic layout is preserved.
Finally, don't let anyone tell you that Emacs sucks. They are just living in a reality that is imaginary. Emacs is awesome. All the editing for this page is done in Emacs and there is nothing that has the power and usefulness of Emacs. So do yourself a favour and download it and install it for yourself.
Get it here for Windoze.
Don't forget to check out some images at
Flickr either. It is a great site with great pics and great discussions about photography. That and
Raj and
I both have pics there.
Later Dudes.