What a day! And I mean that is a good way.
Raj and I met up with 4 others from the
Toronto Photography Meetup Group (TPMG) today to do some photo shooting in and around the Burlington/Hamilton area. But isn't it our luck that it is pissing down of rain for most of the day.
The original plan was to shoot the Burlington Skyway and then head over to some of the industrial areas in the region, then head back to the Skyway for sunset and some night shooting. Since the rain was still bucketing down when we met up and none of us wanted to risk having our equipment ruined in the rain, we had to have an alternative plan. We decided that an indoor shoot was definitely in the cards since none of us wanted to give up a day of shooting. The Canadian Heritage Warplane museum seemed like a good alternative. One of the guys had called ahead and the CHW has warned us that the planes had been crammed into one side of the hanger since there was a Wood Show going on. Yes you heard that right a Wood Show. "This is a 2x4. This is pine....." Anyways, they weren't kidding when they said crammed in. It was very crowded in the hanger. We did manage to get some good close ups, but anything from further back was not possible.
As the afternoon wore on, we grabbed a snack/lunch in the cafeteria. Good conversation was had, of course the main topic being photography, cameras and the like. We figured that it would be worth it to head back down to the lake and hope that the rain would let up.
When we got to the lake the rain had let up quite a bit. So out came the rain hoods and the ziplock bags to keep the cameras dry and out we went. There was some great waves on the lake and get this, people
SURF on Lake Ontario! I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself, but there they were, jumping in off the pier and hanging ten on the Lake Ontario waves. Once I get some pictures up on flickr you will be able to see that I was not on some crazy acid trip :) But really who would have thought that people would surf in Lake Ontario and in January no less!
The big waves also gave us some great opportunities for water shots. As the evening progressed the rain actually stopped and we ended up spending about 3 hours there taking shots. Here is one that I have processed and posted on flickr so far.

Once I get some time I will post some more.
After all that we head to a restaurant and had a great dinner.
I am very happy that the day ended off on a good note. The guys that we met from TPMG were all great guys and I look forward to shooting with them again and with meeting more people from the group.