Hello everyone,
Ok, reading back through the last few entries, I really sound fracken miserable. :( I guess in some ways I really feel that way, but I guess things could be a lot worse.
We start with the good. The job from the last entry where HR gave the lame ass denial letter. Well, turns out that I actually did get the position. Woo-Hoo!! Training started this past Monday. So thats good. Only a little bit of a raise, but at least I can stop being bored at work because that was what was happening.
Things really could be worse. Sure it would be nice to be able to afford my own place. And a girlfriend would be cool too :) So really I shouldn't complain too much. It just seems that at 35 years old I should not be starting a new carrer but be firmly intrenched in a proper carrer. I just never saw myself like this at this stage of my life.
Anyways, I guess what I am really trying to say is that I have to start seeing more of the positives in my life (thanks Carla). I am not the happiest that I could be, but at the same time I am not the saddest that I have been either (no happy pills for me!!!).
As you have probably noticed from the link to my flickr site, photography has really taken a firm foothold in my life. Why I ever stopped is beyond me. Why I ever stopped doing any of the things that I enjoyed is beyond me. While I was married it seemed like I lost who I was. I am on the long road of discovery to find that person again.
Ok enough babbling for tonight. Do me a favour, look at my photos, tell me what you think. I am thinking about trying to sell some. Maybe matte them and sell them like that or matte and frame them. I don't know. Give me your input, it would be very helpful. Even better, make an offer for a print and we can see what we can do for you :) heheh Just got to get the plug in there. But seriously, any input is very very welcome and please be honest. I can take it. If my pics suck and I am just dreaming tell me so. Or if they actually are pretty good, let me know too. I am too harsh of a critic on my own work so I tend to think everything sucks.
That is for tonight. Good night all.