I have found the absolute greatest coffee that one can find. Not only is the coffee great, it is also custom roasted when you order it and they will deliver to your door. But wait it gets better! They have a big selection of organic fair trade coffee. I always try to get fair trade coffee when I can. The other good thing about this great coffee...it doesn't cost any more than if I was to buy my coffee from a Timothy's. Now you want me to share where I got this black gold, don't you? :)
Dark City Coffee is where you want to call! Here is a picture of the beans that I opened today. Sumatra Takengon is the coffee and it is wonderful.

Thankfully this coffee karma balanced my stupid karma for the day :(
Suffice to say, when you are chatting with a lady and she hints at a date...jump at the opportunity. Don't be stupid!!!!!!! I was so engrossed in the assignment I was working on, and the picture files I was working on, and the competition work that I was doing, and chatting with a charming lady (nice multitasking eh!) that I was thick headed when the hint was dropped :(
Fortunately, I think that I haven't presented myself as a complete moron so life goes on. Fingers crossed that I haven't completely messed things up. I am sure I haven't but then again I need to over analyse everything just to try and work myself up. Go figure.
Anyways, I am going to bed. Got another stupid cold :(
Oh and as usual go check out my
pictures, more are posted :)
|| Stephen, 2/19/2006 12:39:00 AM
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Damn this photography habit of mine is getting out of hand. But only because I am taking more pictures than I have time to process them :(
I went out Friday night to take some night pictures in Toronto. The original plan was just to take some skyline pictures. We went to the foot of Polson St. and found some nice big freighters with the Toronto skyline as a background. It was a good site but the equipment gremlins had a go at me. As we started unpacking our equipment, I pulled out my tripod to discover that the shoe is missing (for those of you that are photography illiterate, the shoe is the bit that attaches to the bottom of the camera and mates with the top of the tripod so the camera can be easily and quickly removed and reattached). With out the shoe the tripod is essentially modern art, and completely useless. Thankfully, Raj was not inflicted by the gremlins so I had to mooch the use of his tripod from him (Thanks Bud!).
There was a bloody cold wind coming across the harbour making it damn hard to take pictures and avoiding frostbite.
After about an hour we had our fill of pictures there and were getting hungry. So off to dinner. We got Japanese. For the life of me I can't remember the name of what we had, but it was tasty.
From there we decided that Casa Loma might prove to be an interesting site for more pictures. We trekked up there and spent more than 2 hours mostly on a stair case behind the castle.
All told I took about 120 shoots (about half a gig of images!!). With the 250 images (another gig and a bit) from last weekend, plus other miscellaneous shots, I have a lot of work ahead of me to process. And not that I have started shooting a lot of RAW pictures the process is slowed down since it takes much longer for Photoshop to load up each image :(
Anyways, keep an eye on my
flickr site as there will be a steady stream of photos being posting. Looks like this will be the month that I go pro on Flickr. I have already his my max in regards to the number of viewable pictures and the last 2 months I have maxed our my upload limit :( So if anyone wants to contribute I will take a donation of a flickr pro account :)
Ta, Ta for now. Talk to you later.
|| Stephen, 2/05/2006 12:57:00 AM
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