Ok, while I am pissed off at the world, I figure now is as good as any to get some pet peeves off my chest. Although I am numbering these, there are in no particular order.
Pet Peeve #1:
What is so damn important that you have to walk along the street reading your email on your flippin' Blackberry. These people walk along head down not paying attention to where they are going, expecting people to get out of their way. We live in Canada, it should be perfectly legal to hip check dumb asses into traffic, or into the sides of buildings!
Pet Peeve #2:
If you get on the highway, the minimum speed that you should go is 100 km/h. And if that is the speed that you want to go once you have entered said highway, STAY IN THE SLOW LANE!!!!! If you enter the middle lane expect to be going 110 to 120 km/h. And if you want to venture into the fast lane; the minimum you should be going is 110. And watch your mirrors, if you see someone coming up behind you, either step on it or even better move the fsck over!
Pet Peeve #3:
When you are driving, pay attention to the speeds of the cars around you. If you are in a lane and make a lane change, make sure that you are going at least as fast as the car that is coming up behind you. When I am going 120 and you pull into my lane doing 90, expect me to be very ticked off at you! Same if you are entering a road, ie making a turn on to a road. The cars coming up on you are going to be moving, don't pull out if you do not have room to get up to the same speed as the flowing traffic before they are up your ass!!!!
Pet Peeve #4:
Red lights mean stop!!! I don't think I need to say more here! Stop at the flippin' light.
Pet Peeve #5:
Stupid people. I don't think this needs any explaination either.
Pet Peeve #6:
If you don't know shit, keep your mouth shut! I hate when people go on about something that they have no clue about. It doesn't make you sound smart. It does the exact opposite. And don't assume that you know what the other guy is thinking. You are only guessing at the motives and thoughts of others.
Ok that is enough for now. I could go on. But I won't. I only have one last question. What did I do to make the world hate me?
|| Stephen, 3/19/2006 10:44:00 PM
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Went to the
Drake Hotel tonight with Raj to catch a few indie bands tonight. What an incredible night we had. Great Music, great scenery and great geeks :)
The bands were
Fjord Rowboat,
Madrid and
Raised By Swans. Chase the links. They are 3 amazing bands. I loved all 3 for different reasons. And in every band, all the band members were geeks! Awesome. There is hope for us yet!
I had an incredible night. Just what I needed. I just checked the Fjord Rowboat site and they are playing a whole bunch of shows in Toronto. Go check them out!
Anyways, for a more intelligent and thought provoking description of the bands, go check out
Raj's page. At 2:30 in the morning, I ain't all that intelligent :)
|| Stephen, 3/12/2006 02:33:00 AM
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