66 Realm of Wizardry: Blah

Realm of Wizardry

My place to rant and rave and just let the contents of my mind flow forth.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


   I really hate when the weather turns stinky. I mean that in I hate when the weather induces migraines! Migraines suck. If you have never had one, you are lucky. If you do suffer them, then my heart goes out to you.
   I fortunately only get low grade migraines, but that is enough that when you grab the cell phone or the night light is enough light to cause immense pain.
   Today's I was able to sleep off and by lunch it was just a constant headache. This afternoon actually turned out to be quite productive. That is once I was medicated :)
   I organized how I store my images. My system was not working greatly and made backups a real pain in the butt. No I have them seperated by month, and then further filed by a directory for either the day or if it was a special event, it is listed by date and special event. Then further in each directory there is a subdirectory that the unedited originals are store. Then when I edit the pictures or convert them for printing or posting or whatever they go in the parent, but the original is never touched beyond loading it.
   Then at the end of the month all I need to do is back up that directory for the month and I am good to go.
   It may seem a little (lot?) anal but I am so paranoid about either losing my images or wrecking my originals. This system will help to prevent both of those fears from coming to light. It all leads back to keeping it simple then it won't screw up.
|| Stephen, 6/27/2006 10:53:00 PM


I'm completely paranoid about losing images. I just can't get around to moving things to a chronological order; my brain doesn't work that way and I'd never be able to find images. I'll just have to keep doing CD backups the slow way (i.e...what did I backup on the last disk??) Fortunately there's also an external HD that has EVERYTHING copied on it, and it's smart enough to know what it did last time. :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:52 AM  

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