66 Realm of Wizardry: Grrr

Realm of Wizardry

My place to rant and rave and just let the contents of my mind flow forth.

Friday, June 30, 2006


   So, I haven't written anything for months, then I start again and its like an addiction. I am away from the computer for one night having withdrawals of "Oh, I should write that thought" and of course when I actually get to the computer its, "Gee, what was that thought". Writing it down on paper would have been way too easy :)

   I answer the doorbell tonight and what do I find but 2 Rogers guys solicating. They start by saying they want to save me money. They ask if we have cable, internet, cell phones and a home phone. I say yes I do. The guy looks surprised and asks "All with Rogers?" I tell him no. You never asked that. At that point he gets a little frazzled. I don't think he was expecting a smart ass :). Well, he continues on about how I can save money with Roger's deals. So I ask a simple question. "Rogers knows what I have, why can't they just give me the best deal that is possible?" A reasonable question if you ask me. Again, I don't think he expected questions. He gives a line about Rogers needing my authorization to do that. Ok, fine, Roger's knows my phone number, call me and tell me :). Again, he really isn't liking my reasonablilty. He continues. Telling me that Rogers will send me a cheque for 300 bucks. Ok, do so. Eventually, I tell him "Cut to the chase, what's the deal?" He doesn't like that either. He gives up and walks away and says have a good night. 0-0 WHAT!!!! I'll admit, I give telemarketers and door to door salesmen a hard time, but I hadn't even taken the gloves off yet. So as he is walking away I say "I guess this is what Rogers call customer services?" And he say "I guess this is what Rogers calls customers!" Holy Shit, he is sassing me back. What a jerk :) Oh well, I guess I had it coming, sort of. Now I will have to call Rogers and see how I can get them to give me 300 bucks :) and of course mention to them the crappy door to door salesmen they send around.

   Ok that's it for now. Talk to you later.

|| Stephen, 6/30/2006 07:28:00 PM


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