66 Realm of Wizardry: Almost 2 months since my last post!!!!!!!!!!!!

Realm of Wizardry

My place to rant and rave and just let the contents of my mind flow forth.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Almost 2 months since my last post!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, I hadn't realized it had been so long since I posted. I don't think I am too good at this blogging thing. I have to get out of the mindset that I have to write something epic anytime I post.

Just need to write, get my thoughts out. Rather than letting them rattle around in my skull causing brain damage :(

I have been thinking that I am going to do one of two things. First is rearrange this page so it is more of a photoblog format. I have trouble finding the words for my feelings and my thoughts. That is part of the reason for infrequent posts. Another reason for the infrequent post is sometimes I am second guessing myself. Like who really wants to hear my thoughts. But I have to remember that I am writing this more for myself than anyone else. Do I really care if someone is reading this? Well, a little bit. It would be nice to know someone is reading this and I am not invisible like I feel sometimes.

A friend just recently posted a desire of her's. I agree with it so much. Why is it the good people (I like to think of myself as a good person anyways). But why is it the nice guys or the good people seem to have such a hard time finding happiness? When she described her desire, it made me realize that I deserve better. And to answer her question, No I don't think it is too much to ask for.

Oops got side tracked :) Typical. Anyways the second thing I was thinking, keep this as a word blog and start another that is photoblog. I feel that I can express myself much better through pictures. So maybe that is what I will do.

But it will have to wait. Camera club meeting tomorrow night. Start of a new season. I am so looking forward to this season. It is going to be busy, but a ton of fun.

Ok, enough babbling tonight.
|| Stephen, 9/06/2006 11:19:00 PM


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