I liked this one, but with some qualifiers. A movie filmed with no sets and all blue screened does not lend well to actors getting in the mood, so to speak. The dialog was very poorly presented. And some of the movie looked just plain bad. That being said it is a good throw back to the 50's sci fi pulp movies. Like I said, I did like it. But I won't be running out to grab this one on dvd.
|| Stephen, 10/10/2004 08:10:00 PM
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OK, if your are even tempted a little bit to watch Punisher, just don't do it. The one being punished will be you.
I went into this knowing it wasn't going to be a great flick. But hey, some boom-boom and action never hurt a guy. Boy was we wrong on this one. For one thing there is a definate lack of Boom-boom. Little bit at the beginning and a little more at the end. But very sparce between the two points. And was the lame fire effect at the end really necessary? If you've seen it you know what I am talking about, if you haven't seen it I won't spoil it for you, but its predictable.
Final verdict on The Punisher....ouch, that hurt. But the karma bank is full to overflowing.
|| Stephen, 10/03/2004 01:04:00 AM
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