Took over 200 pictures today on a little jaunt up north. Raj and I figured it would be a good time to see if we could capture some of the fall leaf colours for prosterity. We had a wonderful time and spent more time than planned out and about. We spend a whole bunch of time at the Badlands in Caledon. If you are in the area and have never visited this part of the region, do yourself a favour and take an afternoon and look around, it is lovely country.
Here is one example of the pics that we captured. I am in the process of going through the pics and will be posting more on my flickr site as I get around to it.

If you have not checked out yet, do so. It is a great site and there are some incredible images up there.
Ta Ta for now.
|| Stephen, 10/22/2005 08:21:00 PM
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Absolutely fabulous night tonight. One of my favourite authors was in town for a book reading and signing.
Neil Gaiman. Gaiman is the man responsible for the Sandman comics, and a bunch of really good books. He is also a very intelligent and witty personality.
The presentation was at the Bloor Street United Church. Doors were to open at 5:30pm. Raj and I got down there early. We figured we'd grab coffee and wait for the appointed time. That was until we drove by the church and there was already a line up half a block long and this was at about 4:40pm! Coffee idea got dropped to be replaced with lining up. The line quickly grew and grew and grew and grew. Until it was stretching towards the horizon.
As we were standing in line the reactions of the people as they got to the corner and saw how far the line up stretch was great. It never got old and a bunch of us were giggling away at every reaction. The reaction of the night though had to be the person trying to sell an extra ticket they had (you know you have hit it big when your book signing has scalpers :). Anyways her reaction was pretty much, "Ticket for sale, extra tick.....HOLY SHIT!". Had use in stitches laughing. But to illustrate the line here is a quick snapshot I took of the line behind us.

Finally we get in the church and grab our seats. After waiting some more they showed a video presentation which was very good and then Neil did a reading from Anansi Boys (pictured here)

. From what he read, I can't wait to get my greedy little eyes on this one, it sounds wonderful.
They also had draws for prizes. Raj is damn lucky and won a chance for a photo op with Neil. So here it is.

Then to top the night off we met up with Rosh and Coralee for coffee afterwards. What a fabulous night.
|| Stephen, 10/09/2005 01:22:00 AM
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Hey Folks,
I like Orson Scott Card, albeit he is really milking the Ender's Game books by rewriting the same damn story from different points of view. But I do like some of his stuff. To that end I found a review of the movie Serenity by him that hits the nail squarely on the head. Read it
here. And did I mention that it is a fucking amazing movie?
|| Stephen, 10/05/2005 11:34:00 PM
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I really am my own worst enemy. Most of my anxiety problems are because I sit here and over anaylis everything. And I really mean everything. Sometimes that cigar really is only a cigar. But I am getting better at trying not to over think every damn thing. It is not like I can just stop doing it. It is who I am and what I am. I realize that it is not healthy and really I don't like it taking over. It is something that I realize I do and am working on minimizing.
Now on that note, things are really looking better these days. I do feel much happier. Work is going well, school is going well, I don't worry about my failed marraige any more. Life is looking up. I started dating again. I have met a very nice lady that if nothing romantic comes of it, at least she is really cool and can be a good friend. I have refound some of my missed hobbies. I am taking pictures again, after forgetting how much I loved doing that. And if I don't say so myself, I am not to shabby at it either. :) And I have rediscovered how much music means to me. I had sort of stopped listening to music as much and well now I do listen.
And one final quick note. RUN OUT AND GO SEE
|| Stephen, 10/01/2005 10:47:00 PM
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