You know I don't know where yesterday's post came from. I have really been feeling much much better. Normal in fact. Well, as normal as I EVER want to be. But damn when I read that post from yesterday, it sounds really depressing. I know I was in a bit of a funk but why I can not say. I actually had a really good weekend, a good week before that and a great weekend before that. And things are actually pretty much going my way these days. Ok the big bag of money hasn't dropped out of the sky but we all have dreams. :)
I think what it was, was lawyer talk. I hate lawyers (no offence, Rosh). They want to take you for every cent you don't have. But I am not going to rant. Just move on with my life and enjoy it.
So that is that for tonight. A much happier and saner me for the world. And don't worry peoples. I am good. In fact, I am quite happy. Just damn busy!!!
Talk to you all later, and keep smiling.
|| Stephen, 9/21/2005 12:47:00 AM
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I figured it was about time that I give some opinions on the books that I read. As you can probably tell I like to read. Hence the reading list to the right there ----------------> Unfortunately it is a pasttime that tends to get expensive as the publishers like to rape us readers :( 12 bucks for a paperback ought to be criminal. It is also like crack. Damn bloody addictive. Oh well, I can think of a lot worse things to be addicted to. (just for the record, coffee and chocolate are not bad addictions).
Anyways, Dexta, I picked this one up on a whim. I was in Indigo on my lunch our without a clue as to what I felt like reading. I was literally picking up books by the picture on the cover. Go figure. In this case though, I won. I really enjoyed this book. It is more about work place politics than anything else. Albeit, the workplace politics in this book are taken to the absolute extreme.
The characters are well developed and very likable. The story is pretty good and well paced. I was pretty hooked on this from about the second page. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, but it is the first in what looks like if going to be an ongoing series. As long as the next ones are as good as this I will consider that a good thing.
As a side note, NEIL GAIMAN is coming to Toronto!!!!! And Raj and I have tickets to go see him speak and get a book signed. And of course drop 40 bucks for his new one!! Woo-Hoo!!
Happy Reading.
|| Stephen, 9/07/2005 09:08:00 PM
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I am now feeling much better and at the same time much worse now that this day has come to a conclusion. Today was the day my Sister-in-Law was wed. It was a nice service (ie SHORT), however, the bad thing about it was that it was precided over by the same minister that married me. And we all know how that is sitting now. The service was very similar to the one we had. It also stirred up a lot of emotions in me that I had thought were gone or at least buried deep enough to not matter. Apparently the scar tissue is not yet think enough. Had a bit of a meltdown myself after the service and had to go for a walk.
I wasn't too fond of going to this wedding in the first place. Had Sarah not been the flower girl and attending I probably would have blown off the whole thing. As it is, my sister-in-law specifically told me she definately wanted me there and I definately could not disappoint Sarah, which of course is the main reason I was going. After the service I was pretty much ok until the speeches and stuff. Then it really started to hit home. Things really are over. Not that there was a snowball's chance in hell that I would give the ex-wife a chance to rip my heart out again. No fucking way!!!!!!! Been down that road too many times already. Sometimes I wonder if I am a glutton for punishment. But that is a whole other story. Or maybe I am just too afraid of being alone that I will allow myself to be pushed around, walked over and basically have my self completely swallowed.
I guess the thing I miss most about having a wife, is the companionship. Someone there who will listen and just be one on your side. Not that I had felt that in a while, but you know what I mean.
I have just run out of things to say. Emotionally and mentally I am completely drained. I really need time away from everything. Thank god that next weekend I am going away. I really really need it.
But thats it for now. Although my thoughts have not been completely express...I have just run out of...words, feelings, whatever.
Have a great night. Talk to whoever later.
|| Stephen, 9/04/2005 11:57:00 PM
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