I knew it was true.

You're a dragon. You're smart and cunning, and
enjoy taking risks. Your need for independence
is an advantage, but sometimes it alienates you
from others. As far as *good* and *evil*,
you're pretty neutral--but you may have
something of a wicked streak.
What mythical beast are you? brought to you by Quizilla
|| Stephen, 9/27/2004 01:11:00 AM
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As I'm browsing the net today, I find this list of top ten thingys. Normally I give Top Ten lists a pass, but this one caught my eye. It may be humourous but it it oh so true.
Here is the
Nighty, night.
|| Stephen, 9/25/2004 11:11:00 PM
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What can I say other than, "Get out there and see this flick!"
It was hilarious. More of a comedy with zombies in it than a funny zombie movie. Not gonna say much else, but I definately recommend it.
As my buddy Raj says, we spent all our movie karma on that one. And worth every single bit of it.
|| Stephen, 9/25/2004 11:05:00 PM
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You know, job interviews go much better when everything isn't riding on them. I had one today. I almost cancelled the interview to begin with because I was having second thoughts on it, but then decided, what the hell, give it a whirl. Some much easier when there isn't the huge pressure of "OMG, I HAVE to nail this one."
In case your wondering, I think it went well. They gave me a second interview right away with a manager. So, all in all. Looks like a good prospect. And the job actually sounds a lot better than I expected. And it is right downtown. Only my favourite place in the world. And yes the world does revolve around Toronto for those of you who don't know otherwise. :)
|| Stephen, 9/23/2004 08:01:00 PM
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|| Stephen, 9/19/2004 11:20:00 PM
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|| Stephen, 9/19/2004 11:03:00 PM
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