Saturday, June 25, 2005
New and Upcoming
I don't know about you guys, but I am absolutely sick to death of this template that I am currently using. It must be about time the I get off my lazy butt and learn CSS so I can customize this page to what I envision my small space of the world should look like. So keep watching hopefully this boring, dreary canned template will start to look a little more (well, a lot more) personal in the weeks to come. :) And this doesn't reflect any insult to the person who originally created the canned template, because without that I would have no starting place. So a big thank you to the canned template creaters :)
Later Dudes!
|| Stephen, 6/25/2005 11:28:00 AM
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Batman Begins
Raj and I went to see
Batman Begins tonight. It was amazing. Finally a Batman movie that truely does justice to the Dark Knight. Christian Bale is the best Batman yet. The rest of the cast also did a brilliant job. Michael Cain is a great Alfred.
As the title suggests, this is an origin story of the Batman. The route through which Bruce Wayne took to becoming the Batman was very beleivable and done very well. Throughout the story is done very well. I don't think there is a bit about the movie that I didn't like.
I want a Batmobile!!! This is an incredible piece of machinery!
All told, go see this movie. Then lets take all the rest of the Batman movies and throw them in the rubbish. Especially the Joel Shaumaker (I know its not spelt right) versions of Batman. Complete rubbish!
|| Stephen, 6/18/2005 12:21:00 AM
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Welcome Andrew Robert Thomas Hill
Just as well Martin and I didn't go out for drinks after the Marillion concert. About an hour or so after Martin got home last night he was then on the way back out. This time however it was a trip to Brant Memorial Hospital with his soon to be not pregnant wife.
As they arrived at the hospital with contractions only 3 minutes apart the doctor/nurse tells Keri she's 8 cm dialated!!!! WOW! Almost there. That's almost a 911 call.
Anyways not so long after in comes their new son. 4 lbs 8 ozs. 8 weeks premature. Both Mummy and Baby are doing well. Obviously, Andrew in under great care as his little lungs are not quite ready, but with a little help and a lot of love he will be doing just fine.
|| Stephen, 6/17/2005 02:40:00 PM
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Marillion in Concert
Awesome concert tonight. Went to see
Marillion tonight at
The Mod Club Theatre. We had a GREAT time. For those of you who are uninformed (shame on you :). Marillion are a Prog Rock band that are just incredible. The concert tonight however was not the full band. It was just three of them. They are doing a tour which they have titled "Los Trios Marillos" Acoustic Shows with Steve Hogarth, Steve Rothery and Pete Trewavas.
It was incredible. All three of the guys have great stage presence and what really makes the show is that they are having an incredibly fun time. The only played on Pre-Hogarth, Fish era song. But that wasn't really surprising and I will forgive them that since they played one of my favourites. Sugar Mice.
This was the first time since, I guess it was 1997 or there abouts that they played Toronto. Last time was at the Guvernment. They skipped Toronto on the last full tour. I figure after that last show in Toronto they were afraid to come back. Pete got mugged (I still want to know how one gets mugged in Toronto?, but go figure) and Steve Hogarth was sick as a dog. But we've done our time and they pleasured us and brought great joy to the fans.
There was an opening act as well. Just a solo guy and a piano. He mentioned that he had toured with Marillion for a few shows and when they were in NYC the Village Voice reviewed the show and described him as "Cluttered Jazzy Music". I would say that they missed out "Maturbatory". He wasn't bad. But also wasn't good. It songs pretty much all sounded the same and he had large protions in the middle where he was jacking off with the piano. Not a pretty sight. I think his name was Jason Hunt. I am probably wrong on that but still, avoid him if you have the chance.
Good night for now.
|| Stephen, 6/17/2005 12:11:00 AM
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Sunday, June 05, 2005
Kingdom of Heaven
Hello World :)
Went to see
Kingdom of Heaven tonight. It was an excellent piece of work. Superbly acted, Well written, fantastic cinematography and up to Ridley Scott's usually great directing.
It was a little slow, but not a disappointment at all. I went in expecting to be assulted and offended with a great deal of religious zealotry, but was pleasently surprised. The religion that is in it is down to earth (so to speak). I felt it was more about personal religion than about the organized religion of the world. It speaks of the god in your mind and in your heart. Basically the reason you push on each day. Not because some so called religious leader told you what to do or how to do it. But rather doing what you feel deep inside is right or wrong.
Go see it for youself. :) The actors all do spectacular performances and it has some of my favourite actors. Liam Neeson, Orlando Bloom and Jeremy Irons to name a few.
As those of you that know me personally know, life for me in the past year has been in a bit of a turmoil (I know I'm the king of understatement). I hope to begin writing more in this journal. I am hoping that this will help me get my life back together again. I seem to have lost my direction and my personal self. I look forward to rediscovering who I am and what I really want out of life.
Ta Ta for now. I sign off for the day and hope to see you all later.
|| Stephen, 6/05/2005 01:50:00 AM
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