Damn even the growl didn't help. :(
All I want to know is what the universe has against me? I don't ask for much. But occassionally it would be nice if something went my way.
I applied for a new position at work. I didn't get it. Ok, I can live with that. Whatever, but the way they tell me that I didn't get the position just stinks.
An email. And not just any email, a fraken FORM email. The body of the email didn't even have my name in it. And to top it off, it didn't come from the department that I applied too, who if they did that kind of thing I could sort of understand it. But it came from the Human Resources department!!!!! Aren't they suppose to know better??!!
Oh well, fuck it. The universe turning around and kicking me in the ass once again. I wonder if there underwears come in kevlar?
|| Stephen, 12/22/2005 07:18:00 PM
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Hello All. Just thought I would put a quick update here. I have been very negligent in keeping this blog upto day except for my occasionally rants and raves when I am in a crappy mood. Gee, one my get the impression that I am turning into an ornery son of a bitch. :( Not true though. It's just when I get depressed or pissed off I tend to want to vent. I find that when I vent I feel much better. I used to bottle all that up and that ended me up with anxiety and a ride in the back of a nifty ambulance.
Now this doesn't mean everything is rosey, just that for the most part I am happier than I was, say, a year ago. Slowly but surely I am rebuilding a life for myself. I started over in career, went back to school and now got back into one of my favourite hobbies, photography. I when I say I got back into it, it is like a damn addiction. Just as expensive as heroin but no track marks :) I have probably said that here before, it is my latest "funny" saying. Go figure. Still a nerd :)
Anyways, I am still alive, and doing pretty good for the most part. Don't forget to check out my flickr site. I am more regular updating that. And leave comments :)
Well, thats all for tonight. Going to bed. Good night all.
|| Stephen, 12/13/2005 10:12:00 PM
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If you have not listened to anything by Chicane, then you are missing a wonderful artist. I was just listening to No Ordinary Morning. I have listened to this tune a bunch of times before, but this is the first time I have really LISTENED to the words. I wonder if Nick Bracegirdle has been psycically linked to me when he wrote this song. The lyrics do a good job of describing my feelings. Just for the record I am going to put the lyrics here.
No Ordinary Morning Lyrics
If there was nothing that I could say
Turned your back and you just walked away
Leaves me numb inside I think of you
Together is all I knew
We moved too fast but I had no signs
I would try to turn the hands of time
I look to you for a reason why
The love we had passed me by
And as the sun would set, you would rise
Fall from the sky into paradise
Is there no light in your heart for me
You've closed your eyes, you no longer see
There were no lies between me and you
You said nothing of what you knew
But there was still something in your eyes
Left me helpless and paralysed
You could give a million reasons change the world and change the tides
Could not give me the secrets of your heart and of your mind
In the darkness that surrounds me now there is no peace of mind
Your careless words undo me, leave the thought of us behind
You could give a million reasons change the world and change the time
Could not give me the secrets of your heart and of your mind
In the darkness that surrounds you now there is no peace of mind
Your careless words undo me, leave the thought of us behind
|| Stephen, 12/11/2005 04:29:00 PM
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I have one question. What the hell did I do to piss the world off? I just can't seem to get a break these days.
If it's not one thing it's another.
I go to work this morning, park at the GO station. Come home and there's a damn parking ticket on the car. This morning that parking spot was a legal spot to park in. Tonight it has suddenly become a fracken reserved spot. They went and installed posts and signs in the middle of the day and I guess the parking infraction guys must be following the construction guys around.
FUCKING DIRTY is what GO Transit is. I am so fracken pissed off. Appplying a little bit of common sense would be asking just a little too much.
Now I will have to take a day off work to fight this stupid thing. Like I can afford a day off work or to pay a ticket that I don't deserve in the first place.
If I was in the wrong, then fine I get what I deserve, but don't change the damn rules in the middle of the game!!!!!
I guess this is just expected. These days it seems if it can go wrong, it will. I am just so fed up. I was telling someone the other day, I am not depressed but at the same time I am not happy. Just....meh!!
I have always felt alone in the world. Just never really fit in, in most situations. Lately though... I guess "lonely" would be a better description. I realize now how much I miss the companionship and the cuddling of a wife/girlfriend. Now don't get me wrong, I have a few great friends and I wouldn't trade them for anything. But there ain't no way I am cuddling with Raj!!! His beard would be too scratchy.
At least I can still crack a joke :|
Oh well, enough ranting. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
And just for the record...if any of you know a cute indie chick thats looking for a slightly damaged indie(ish) guy, give em my number :) Hell, she doesn't even need to be an indie chick, these days with the luck I am having a pulse and some tits seem to be the minimum criteria. :(
Oh the other thing. Why in the world did I ever stop having photography as a hobby. Since I have gotten back into it I realize how much I love taking pictures. These days it seems to be one of the few things that keep me going. Its like an addiction, with out the side effects. I guess we have to count the few blessings that we do get. The other of course would be Sarah. And fortunately she loves having her picture taken. Makes my life a lot easier in that respect.
Ok thats it for now. And don't forget about the indie chicks :)
|| Stephen, 12/01/2005 10:48:00 PM
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